Incorporating LightBox into my WebSite

To incorporate LightBox into my WebSite it was as simple as copying and pasting some coding.
First i copied a section of coding located under the 'Code' tab and under <title> TITLE HERE <title> from the orginal LightBox html, i then pasted this into my Website html and the same section
<title> TITLE HERE <title>. I then went back to the original LightBox html again and selected LightBox Container and went into the 'Code' tab again and just copied the selected coding. I then moved over to my Website html and selected the slice that i wanted my LightBox to appear on and pasted the coding. Originally the LightBox work but wasted quite in the right place so i had to select the LightBox Container under the 'CSS STYLES' tab and manually adjust the placing to 0px for 'Top' and 'Left'. 

Now my Website is Complete. The Site works 100% in Safari wih no problems but when its
previewed in Firefox the site ends up moving position when travelling to other pages. I changed
this in Adobe Dreamweaver by changing the Positioning but when it was previewed in
Safari it kept moving like it did in firefox so i just gave up and left it to work in 