Development Work

After deciding on which Website layout i liked the most and fitted my needs by keeping things simple, i used the Rulers and Guides in Adobe Photoshop and created Guides where i wanted my image to be Split, once all the guides where set, i selected the Slice Tool and clicked on the Button named 'Slices From Guides'. This Sliced all the sections that the guides where lining up. I then selected the 'Slice Select Tool' and joined slices up that would not be used, i did this by selecting a few slices, right clicking and selecting 'Combine Slices'.

Once i was satisfied, i 'saved for web' and made sure the preset was set to JPEG High, then i clicked on the option button then 'edit output settings'. After clicking that a pop-up
appeared and then i checked the 'Output XHTML' box then clicked next, then i checked
the 'Generate CSS' box and finally i changed all the 'Default Slice Naming to 'none'
button and then clicked the 'ok' button. Now i pushed on 'Save' set the format to HTML and Images
and i created a folder to store all my created files and clicked 'save'.

I repeated these steps for each page i created such as for Home Page,
Content Page, Blog and Contact Page.